Rise in Zimbabwe tourist arrivals

The Zimbabwe Tourist Authority (ZTA) has recorded an 18-per-cent increase in tourist arrivals in the first quarter of 2012, with a total of 346,299 arrivals compared with 294,198 in the same period last year. According to the ZTA, the rise is 13 per cent more than the projected arrivals for sub-Saharan Africa this year, which originally stood at five per cent. Given that the first quarter of the year is traditionally a low season, the ZTA is optimistic that prospects for the second quarter and beyond will be positive. Mainland Africa remains the major source market for visitors to Zimbabwe, and has recorded a 19-per-cent increase in visitors to the country, while South Africa remains the main source market within mainland Africa, representing a market share of 43 per cent â€" a two-per-cent increase on last year. Outside of Africa, 46 per cent of overseas arrivals originated from Europe (up 16 per cent on the same period last year), while 26 per cent arrived from the Americas (28 per cent up on last year), although there was a marked drop in arrivals from Oceania, Asia and the Middle East. However, the ZTA expects arrivals from these markets to increase again, due to a growing number of airlines offering routes to Zimbabwe, including Air Namibia and Fly Emirates. ShareThis Powered By iWebRSS.co.cc
